HTSvis: a web app for exploratory data analysis and visualization of arrayed high-throughput screens
Arrayed high-throughput screens (HTS) cover a broad range of applications
using RNAi or small molecules as perturbations and specialized software packages
for statistical analysis have become available.
However, exploratory data analysis and integration of screening results has
remained challenging due to the size of the data sets and the lack of
user-friendly tools for interpretation and visualization of screening results.
Here we present HTSvis, a web application to interactively visualize raw data,
perform quality control and assess screening results from single to multi-channel
measurements such as image-based screens.
Per well aggregated raw and analyzed data of various assay types and
scales can be loaded in a generic tabular format.
A comprehensive manual is provided on the help page. Example data sets can be found under the following link:
First, data has to be uploaded and submitted by the 'Explore Data' button on the 'Data Input' panel.
The 'Explore Data' button will occur once data has been uploaded and specific columns were selected.
Define Color Scale
Define Color Scale
Define Color Scale
Define Color Scale
First, data has to be uploaded and submitted by the 'Explore Data' button on the 'Data Input' panel.
The 'Explore Data' button will occur once data has been uploaded and specific columns were selected.
First, data has to be uploaded and submitted by the 'Explore Data' button on the 'Data Input' panel.
The 'Explore Data' button will occur once data has been uploaded and specific columns were selected.
First, data has to be uploaded and submitted by the 'Explore Data' button on the 'Data Input' panel.
The 'Explore Data' button will occur once data has been uploaded and specific columns were selected.
First, data has to be uploaded and submitted by the 'Explore Data' button on the 'Data Input' panel.
The 'Explore Data' button will occur once data has been uploaded and specific columns were selected.
Session Parameter Download
The option to download a session
parameter file is provided here. The downloaded
file contains the Data Input parameters as set
on the 'Data Input tab' and the controls
defined in the 'Quality Control tab'.
The session parameter file is a .csv file and
should not be edited. As ';' will be used to
format the .csv, the columns of the input table
for which the parameters will be saved
should not contain ';'.